From Las Palmas you simply have to take the motorway heading North (GC2), then take the exit for the town „Banaderos“. On the C-810, this is the very first spot!
A dusty car par, surrounded by stone walls 2 metres high gives you the possibility to park your car directly on the spot. The black rocky beach of Quintanilla is the perfect place to hang out after surfing and enjoy the tranquillity of Gran Canaria’s North.
Along the small town Quintanilla there are numerous spots, such as Los Enanos, Molokai and Boquines, some of which are completely deserted at times. The only time when you will have to expect quite a lot of company is the weekend. Those who are smart choose a weekday to come here, preferably in the afternoon, and they will enjoy a lonesome surf session which many people may know only from regions such as Galicia (North Spain).
For the hungry: there is a small shop in town offering all kinds of snacks which are meant to give the surfer those calories back that the waves have washed out of his body. Some of the surf spots of Quintanilla are accessed via lava reefs and black stones. A few spots may be used by less skilled surfers, others, however, should better be left to those who are a dab hand at surfing or who have closely observed the locals and how they approach everything.
Underground: rocky and sandy beach
Best time to go there: during low tide and halftide
Ideal Height: 1-1,5 metres
Ideal wind conditions: from the South and the Southeast
Waves: fast left waves, give space for all kinds of tricks and magic
Surfers: calm spot
Season: from October to March
Water quality: good
Rating: 6 out of 10 points